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Week 18/52: My Teenage dream ended

Writer's picture: meme

MY TEENAGE DREAM ENDED is the debut and last musical release by ex-MTV star Farrah abraham, released 2012. But is it good?

MY TEENAGE DREAM ENDED isn't, as the cover would suggest, some bargain big trash pop record. It's the kind of album that people refer to with their tongues in their cheeks, not unlike how people talk about PHILOSOPHY OF THE WORLD by the shaggs or similar albums. But is certainly a world away from that album. It's sometimes thrown under the descriptor of "the room (tommy wiseau) of music" and called "outsider art", and that's something you'll probably get in the first minute of the record.

So the first track "The phone call that changed my life" opens with these weird synthesisers, a phone sample and then Farrah's vocals. And after some snare hits we're thrown into these dubstep wubs as she sings "The anxiety fills my veins" and "My purest hell//My world starts with one... What? One...//My words are few". Flipping between these anxious and manic depressive lyrics then to lyrics about partying and being manically happy like in the next song, in "Life, life//Is about party, living love//Don't think about the choices you choose". Initially seeing descriptors like "surreal, alienation, avant garde" I thought that this couldnt be serious, and i'm still not sue if it is.

Third track CAUGHT IN THE ACT is bearly 100 seconds long and reminds me alot of 1000 gecs with's vocal and instrumental stylings, as well as the short length, which is also a theme on the album, as it lasts for 27 minutes.

The album is hard to write about because it's so absurd, i mean the fourth track introduces acoustic piano and guitar into the mix, with Farrah is singing about high school relationships. I mean, track 5 again has this fingerpicked acoustic guitar with this vocal line "We're fighting, we're fighting not" echoing in the background, with some verses having string parts in the background. Maybe it was the producer's way of representing the absurdity of the whole Teen Mom MTV drama show scene, by having the most energetic and needlessly dramatic instrumentals whilst chopping up what Farrah says to represent her as someone more emotionally unstable than she maybe is. I saw someone describe it as "It sounds like what somebody from the '60s, high on LSD would imagine 21st century America to sound like" and they probably aren't far off, the record presents a pretty hellish picture of the social climate of the 2010's.

UNPLANNED PARENTHOOD might be one of the more listenable tracks on the album, it's beat is a pretty tried and true dance beat with a decent synth bass section, and the instruments are bad as they progress. And then the next track SEARCHING FOR CLOSURE is just boring.

ON MY OWN is another one of the better tracks but also has some of the most insane lyrics "My hopes have dropped, my sadness flares, my anger is my power, my heart just stares", like man this nearly sounds like it could be death grips. Farrah's child is a pretty big focus in this track, as well as alot of the album.

Penultimate track THE SUNSHINE STATE feels like one last huge party and again feels like 100 gecs, I'd be seriously suprised if they didn't take alot of inspiration from this album. It's another short track before the last track, FINALLY GETTING UP FROM ROCK BOTTOM starts and this probably sounds the most like early 2010's pop music, but is pretty forgettable.

Overall, this album is just kind of a fucking mess. I think it's worth listening to at least once so you know what it sounsd like and so you can say you've heard it but man, I can't think of anyone who would unironically put this on and just vibe to it, it's just unsightly, but I don't regret listening to it still.



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