LET'S GET OUT OF THIS COUNTRY is the 3rd album by Scottish indie pop group Camera Obscura, released 2006. Ten years after the "birth" of Scottish twee pop from Belle and Sebastian, where does that leave Camera Obscura 10 years later?
So I kind of stumbled on this record by accident- I was searching through the back catalogues of twee pop records and this one, for whatever reason caught my eye- I had listened to a bunch of Beat Happening songs so I was kind of in the headspace for this sort of record, so I decided to throw it on- and I was pleasantly surprised!
So the record opens with LLOYD, I'M READY TO BE HEARTBROKEN which quickly establishes itself with this loud guitar sound and pounding drums, and when the chorus hits it's like pure dopamine being injected directly into my brain. The track has this feeling of regality to it, with these aloof string sections, Tracyanne Campbell's awesome vocal performance and great lead guitar melodies. The track establishes the record with such a great energy and vigor, it's constantly smile inducing from start to finish. It's also apparently a response to the Lloyd Cole and the Commotions song "Are you ready to be heartbroken", for what that's worth.
The record tones it down a little in the second track, Campbell's lyrics are downtrodden and self deprecating and introduce a recurring theme on this record- breakups. Not to say this is a breakup record, but it's definitely a running theme. Track 2 also introduces some more 60's twee instrumentation with some whiny organs that evoke Blur's Parklife (tho I imagine that's more similar source of inspiration type thing than a one to the other type thing). The third track continues the breakup theme with the repeated "No you never stay".
4th track DORY PREVIN is definitely a highlight on the record. The reverb-ed country esque rim hits and slide guitar create such a beautiful atmosphere alongside the vocals; and the songwriting is just top quality. And the delivery, too. And the piano flourishes, and warm bassline... I could go on. You get the idea.
THE FALSE CONTENDER has this French-Italian sort of vibe with the drums and organ sounds- and the tale told about dating someone who just isn't the one is again, wonderfully told. It's followed by the title track which evokes some of the bustling energy of the opener, but with a far more bitter and cynical sense of humour- in the hook Campbell sings "what does this city have to offer me? Everyone else thinks it's the bees knees", the track exemplifies an utter discomfort with your surroundings wherever you are, be it from everyone else or an innate cynicism.
COUNTRY MILE may well be my favourite track on the album. It's a song I wouldn't hesitate to describe as absolutely magical- the reverb creates such a sense of endless space with the string and slide guitar as Campbell sings "I won't be seeing you for a long while, I hope it's not as long as these country miles, I feel lost". It hard to put into words what this track stirs up honestly.
IF LOOKS COULD KILL switches the energy almost energy- it's probably the loudest with it's brawny guitars and huge drums and almost vindictive lyrics and it's just a rager from start to finish and the best part is is that it doesn't even feel misplaced after the last track- which some other band easily could do. Another highlight on a record with lots already.
I NEED ALL THE FRIENDS I CAN GET is probably the weakest track here, it's not the most hard hitting emotionally or sonically, and the hook is kind of awkwardly phrased. The group vocal harmonies on the chorus are cute but overall it's not a great track.
The record's closer picks the quality back up to end the album. The whole track has a bittersweet melancholy, from the horns at the start to the lyrics that sound like acceptance of whatever breakup that may've happened earlier. The track is fairly lyrically sparse, maybe implying the truth is simpler than staying stuck mulling over a past relationship. And again, the horns at the end tie the album up brilliantly. Great closer.
So overall this record is absolutely fan-T-tastic- the band sounds like a real cohesive unit with a singular vision in mind- making a rock solid batch of songs. Which, largely, they do- I think my only criticism on a larger scale might be the relatively linear song structure, I mean it is pop music obviously, but even then, many of the tracks repeat the verse- chorus- verse- chorus repeat to fade motif- but they sound bloody good doing it. This record is just really really fantastic. Well worth checking out.