%%% - Established 2019 - Over 50 albums reviewed - Over 300 viewings - Artists covered from all over the world - %%%
%%% - Artists covered from all over the world - Established 2019 - Over 50 albums reviewed - Over 300 viewings - %%%
%%% - Over 300 viewings - Artists covered from all over the world - Established 2019 - Over 50 albums reviewed - %%%
%%% - Over 50 albums reviewed - Over 300 viewings - Artists covered from all over the world - Established 2019 - %%%

I listen to an album every single week and write about it here. Will it be old? new? only one way to find out. Covering a whole spectrum of genres and styles, with records from mainstream establised artists and indie newcomers, on this blog I try to taste a bit of what every corner of the musical world has to offer.